

每年, the 沃拉沃拉大学基金 helps provide student scholarships, supports campus improvements and allows us to implement new, 创新的编程.


Your donations support new, innovative programming and campus improvements.



Upgrades to classroom technology support effective teaching and learning


Gifts to the 沃拉沃拉大学基金 provide many wonderful opportunities for students and contribute to a supportive and nurturing environment on campus. 




一旦我拿到了心理学学士学位,辅修了商科, I want to go on to get my Masters in Clinical Psychology. After completing my degree in clinical psychology I would like to to be a counselor for high school and college age students with mental health issues. I would also like to do some psychological research sometime in my career. Another one of my career goals is to have a side business of photography for weddings, 活动, 还有其他小事件.


在一些意想不到的情况下, I ended up working at Sunset Lake Camp in northern Washington the summer after I graduated high school. My plan was to attend Andrews University in the fall, and I had registered for classes and was all set to attend. Two weeks before camp ended I felt God calling me to attend 沃拉沃拉大学 instead. I decided to follow that calling and haven’t regretted my decision since.


What I 爱 most about WWU is the family-like atmosphere. I feel that it has become a second home to me and have made life long friends in the short time that I have been here. I also 爱 how the staff and faculty genuinely care about the students and their wellbeing.


My freshmen mentor greatly impacted my life here at WWU. She told me that during my freshmen year of college I would change the most that I ever would in my life. It was very true, I am a completely different person then who I was my freshman year.




沃拉沃拉大学 has shown me the hardships of responsibility, 金融知识, 通过祈祷的力量克服障碍. I have had my moments where I thought I couldn't make it, but the community here has encouraged me to just keep swimming. 沃拉沃拉大学 has helped me form the necessary skills to persevere, 倾听他人, 更有效地沟通, 并尽我所能帮助每个人. 来到这里真的是一种福气.


I am a 健康 Science major with the goal of being a pediatric surgeon in the neonatal field after my residency. I was inspired after seeing my youngest brother's birth when I was 15 years old to help out premature babies -- with the blessing of God -- to survive.


I chose WWU to become more involved with the Seventh Day Adventist Youth and learn from their experiences growing up Adventist since I wasn't initially in the denomination. I wanted to fill my life with more of Jesus and keep His hope of happiness, 爱, 并尊重活着的人. 我在世界大学就感受到了.


I enjoyed the fact that it has many social events for being outdoors, 社区生活, 并且为了理解而变得更加多样化. The most enjoyable involvement has been singing with the Berean Praise Team and letting the 爱 of Jesus into the room for everyone to grasp spiritually. This is how I at least communicate to my peers about Him at least.




我在WWU注意到并享受的第一件事, was the relaxed atmosphere and how friendly everyone is. 在我的家乡, it is easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle and not make time for the little things. For example, just enjoying a Sabbath walk with friends. That helped me notice that people here rely heavily on their connection to God and each othe


I was first drawn to a degree in Product Design because of my 爱 for ideation and helping people. After I have graduated with my degree in product design, I would like first work for a design firm to gain experience. 然后开始我自己的设计事业, which would grant me some more freedom in the clients and projects I take on.


WWU became the best option after looking through design schools and realizing that it was a Seventh-Day Adventist institution. My parents encouraged me as it was important that I attended somewhere that aligned with my beliefs. Initially I was concerned about how we would afford it. 然而, after speaking with a financial advisor I received the scholarship that allowed me to attend.


There are many things that have had a positive effect on my life. The most impactful being, making life-long friendships. I believe WWU has helped me create better connections with people. I have met a lot of people here that I am proud to call friends. They share my values and we all support each other’s passions and goals.

None of this would be possible without your generous donations!



目标: $255,000
状态: 目标了!


目标: $255,000
状态: 目前筹款